Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream : Flavour #8


Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream

Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream combines the refreshing freshness of mint with the richness of chocolate chips and cookie dough crumbs to create a delightful frozen treat. We’ll delve into the world of this delightful ice cream in this piece, learning about its flavours, how to make it using the Ninja Creami, and why it’s become a favourite delicacy among ice cream fans.

Ninja Creami is the culinary wizard behind the creation of this frozen delight. Because of its innovative technology and user-friendly design, it transforms common ingredients into a velvety-smooth ice cream that competes with the goods of the greatest ice cream cafes.

The Mesmerizing Flavor Combination

Mint and chocolate have long been a traditional combination, and when paired with cookie dough bits, they produce an enticing symphony of flavours and sensations. The mint flavour is invigorating, while the chocolate chips give bursts of sweetness and the cookie dough delivers a chewy delight.

Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream

Homemade Goodness in Every Scoop

The main advantage of making ice cream yourself is the control over ingredients. you can use the greatest and freshest ingredients to make a healthier and tastier treat for you and your loved ones in this Ninja Creami Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream.

For delicious Strawberry Cheesecake Frozen Yogurt , check out our this post : Ninja Creami Strawberry Cheesecake Frozen Yogurt : FLavour #9

Let’s delve into the step-by-step process of creating this delectable ice cream using the Ninja Creami:


  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon pure peppermint extract
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup cookie dough chunks (eggless, for safety)
Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream


Here’s a brief step-by-step explanation of how to make Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream:

Step 1: Compile the Ingredients

Gather all of the ice cream components, including heavy cream, whole milk, granulated sugar, pure peppermint essence, chocolate chips, and eggless cookie dough bits.

Step 2: Mix Cream and Sugar

Whisk together the heavy cream and granulated sugar in a mixing basin until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Step 3: Add Milk and Extract

Combine and Stir Cream, Sugar and whole milk.  Make sure the ingredients are properly combined by stirring or whisking. The pure peppermint essence is then added to infuse the cream with a nice mint taste.

Step 4: Blend the Mixture

Pour the mixture into the Ninja Creami blending chamber. Turn on the Ninja Creami and blend the ingredients until the mixture becomes smooth and creamy.

Step 5: Add Chocolate Chips and Cookie Dough Chunks

Once the mixture is blended, add the chocolate chips and cookie dough chunks to the ice cream. Gently stir to distribute them evenly throughout the mixture.

Step 6: Freeze the Ice Cream

Transfer the ice cream mixture to a separate container suitable for freezing. When freezing, cover the container with a lid.

Step 7: Wait for Firmness

Put the ice cream in the freezer for 4 to 6 hour to  harden it and get the required texture.

Step 8: Scoop and Serve

Take out the ice cream from freezer when it is ready. Scoop it into bowls or cones with an ice cream scoop and enjoy the delicious flavour of Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream.

You can make a delicious handmade ice cream that perfectly combines the chilly freshness of mint, the sweetness of chocolate chips, and the pleasant chewiness of cookie dough by following these easy instructions. Cheers to indulgence!

The Cool Refreshment of Mint

The inclusion of genuine peppermint extract to the ice cream gives each scoop a refreshing and exhilarating aspect, making it the ideal treat for hot summer days or any time you desire a cooling dessert.

The Irresistible Temptation of Chocolate Chips

Chocolate chips are the perfect complement to the minty freshness, offering bursts of chocolatey goodness with every bite. The combination of mint and chocolate is truly a match made in dessert heaven.

Check Out : 10 Best Ninja Creami Ice Cream

Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream

The inclusion of eggless cookie dough chunks adds a delightful chewiness to the ice cream. As you savor the ice cream, you’ll encounter pockets of cookie dough, adding a playful texture to the overall experience.

Here are some benefits of Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream:

  • Refreshing and Indulgent Treat: Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream provides a refreshing and indulgent dessert option, perfect for hot summer days or as a delightful treat after a long day.
  • Homemade Goodness: Using Ninja Creami to make ice cream at home lets you to utilise high-quality and fresh ingredients, resulting in a healthier and tastier treat than store-bought ones.
  • Customizable Flavours: Ninja Creami lets you to experiment with various flavours and combinations, making it simple to create customised ice cream to suit your tastes.
  • Ingredient Control: By creating ice cream at home, where you have total control over the ingredients, you may eliminate the artificial additives and preservatives usually found in commercial ice creams.
  • Healthier Option: Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream can be made with natural sweeteners and healthier alternatives, making it a guilt-free dessert for those mindful of their sugar intake.
  • Versatility of Ninja Creami: Beyond making Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream, Ninja Creami can create various other frozen treats, such as sorbets, gelato, and more, offering endless possibilities for delightful desserts.
  • Family-Friendly Activity: Making ice cream with Ninja Creami can be a fun and interactive activity for the whole family, fostering creativity and culinary skills in children.
  • Impress Guests: Serving homemade ice cream can impress guests during gatherings and special occasions, elevating the dining experience and leaving a lasting impression.
  • Satisfaction of Creating: There’s a sense of satisfaction in creating your own ice cream masterpiece, knowing you’ve crafted a delightful dessert from scratch.
  • A Treat for Any Occasion: Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream is versatile enough to be enjoyed on various occasions, from casual family nights to elegant dinner parties.

With its refreshing mint flavor, indulgent chocolate chips, and chewy cookie dough chunks, Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream offers a delightful and satisfying frozen treat


Ninja Creami Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream is a true indulgence that captures the essence of mint, chocolate, and cookie dough in every luscious scoop. With Ninja Creami’s innovative technology, you can easily create this homemade frozen delight and customize it to suit your taste preferences.

So, why wait to satisfy your sweet cravings? Embrace the joy of making ice cream at home with Ninja Creami and treat yourself to a refreshing and delightful experience with this minty-chocolaty-cookie-doughy delight.

For Ninja Creami Recipes Collection, check out Test Kitchen Website: Click Here


Can I use alternative sweeteners in the ice cream recipe?

Sweeteners like honey or maple syrup are a healthier option. Please keep in mind that the flavour may differ.

Is Ninja Creami easy to use for making ice cream?

Ninja Creami is intended to be user-friendly, making the process of manufacturing ice cream simple and quick.

Can I alter the mint flavour by adjusting the amount of peppermint extract?

Yes, you may modify the amount of peppermint extract to suit your taste.

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